The educational role of the industry: Unilin teams up with schools

24 September 2024

Technology is evolving at breakneck speed, making it harder for schools to stay up-to-date with the latest technological developments. This means industry plays a crucial role in giving our school-age youth the necessary know-how and preparing them for the job market as best as possible. It’s a task Unilin is very enthusiastic to take on, via The Dive. 

In 2023 Unilin launched its new vision on lifelong learning: The Dive. At The Dive internal staff can enrol in a variety of training courses but at the same time it is also an open invitation for partners such as schools, businesses and industry federations. “We strive for close collaboration with schools, university colleges, universities and training partners to stimulate lifelong learning. It’s a process that doesn’t start on the work floor but on the school benches!”, Talent Director Nick Leenaert emphasises.

He cites a few examples: “Unilin shares the latest techniques with schools, they invite students to come and see what specific training courses can do for their future career and inspire youngsters to opt for STEM-oriented studies.”

Some of the current initiatives:

Sharing knowledge and material: Circle of Schools Project

Through Woodwize, an organisation that organises training courses for everyone in the wood sector, we supply products such as melamine boards to schools. But we also share didactic packages consisting of comprehensive practice modules and practical assignments for furniture and interior fittings, such as the installation of handles, knobs, hinges and much more. In different sessions, 135 teachers from 75 schools are trained to use the packages. This creates a valuable experience for students that strengthens their interior design skills. Click here for more details on the project.

Workshops for educational institutions at The Dive

In these interactive training sessions we delve into topics students are learning about at school. This directly links theory to practice, which considerably enhances the youngsters’ interest in STEM.  

Operations Learning & Training Manager Bart Den Tijn explains: “The first workshop Unilin set up was for VTI Deinze on the overhaul of pumps. Thanks to the success of the initial workshop, countless workshops have since been developed and organised in such areas as pneumatics, work floor safety and predictive maintenance techniques. This gives the schools an array of workshops to choose from.”

Bart highlights the success of this approach: “This school year (2022-2023) we organised no fewer than 25 workshops attended by more than 150 students from 7 schools.”

Dual learning 

Dual learning means simultaneous learning at school and on the work floor. In addition to their classes, students also spend several days a week putting into practice what they’ve learned. This gives them a realistic picture of the work environment, it helps them develop a variety of practical competencies and familiarises them with the latest technologies.

Unilin organises several development paths, among others in Romania. HR Manager Gabriela Manolescu: “Here students in technical secondary school do internships for three years, geared to their school curriculum. They explore all aspects of the production process and take part in additional activities such as a recent tree planting drive. Here they not only learn on the job but they also acquire an insight into the organisation, preparing them to join the company on a permanent basis. It’s a win-win for both the students and Unilin.”

Guest colleges by employees

We also encourage our own colleagues to share their knowledge and experiences through guest colleges. For this we consciously opt for employees who don’t work as trainers but who can make a valuable contribution based on their in-depth knowledge. The colleges cover a wide range of topics such as project management, employer branding in practice, well-being on the work floor, etc.


Learn more about our vision on lifelong learning.